WFB Rumours - Just say no.

Just going to be a short one from me here.  I have been a rabid WFB fanboy for years, collected the hell out the game, 8th was (and still is) amazing, ET is cool if a bit extreme in places.  So wind the clock back to Archaon dropping as the final book of ET, within a few days we had rumours of 'in just a couple of weeks' WFB 9th is coming.

Well I'm truly sick of it.  I officially swore off all rumours about 2 weeks back and I've pretty much stopped playing WFB because it's all people are talking about and it's all rampant speculation and wish mongering can everyone please give it up already.  It'll be what it'll be and no amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth will change that.

GW used to have no control over their leaks and you could reliably know a decent chunk of the ruleset, this was the case in 7th to 8th.  But then they tightened it up.  For 40k there was a total rulebook leak a couple of months in advance.  Turns out it was entirely made up and nothing like the actual thing.  Now I'm not saying the rumours are necessarily that wrong, as we're pretty close now, but dear god people give it a rest with the incessant 'the sky is falling'.

Community Reaction to any/all rumours
Then there is the other group of 'I'll just play the old edition', sure you might with you and a small handful of close friends achieve this but the vast majority of people will not be joining you.  Interestingly Malifaux had this same occurrence when it released it's second edition which was a reasonably complete rewrite and major change up.  Wyrd were so keen to bend over backwards for their fans they agreed to put on a tournament under the old ruleset at the next Gencon (their flagship release event) and a forum for the old version of the game.  Guess how many people turned up to play it after months of forum rage about the new edition being awful and the old vastly superior, from memory it was 6 people. Similarly the forum lasted a few months before becoming completely dead and eventually got removed.

Now that is the scenario where the game is still alive, there is the potential that Age of Sigmar is not Warhammer as we know it so both games can co-exist, but I doubt it, I'm assuming 8th is done and AoS is the future of what that game was.

A bit of a rant from me but I'm sure plenty of people out there are feeling the same.  For those that are enjoying still playing the current game, hurrah, wish I could but starting every game with 30mins of latest rumour speculation and ending with 'In the new game that wouldn't have been possible' was doing my head in, so I've shelved it and I'm busy playing Guildball instead, hopefully I'll re-join WFB once the actual game is released and with any luck the rage-quitters have gone so I can enjoy the game for what it is, not what other people want it to be.