Let's look at some nice pictures of some filthy xenos...

 And the squad...
CMON Voting links:

Did I mention you could win these as part of a whole army? Pretty sure I did, but here are a few links for you to buy tickets so you can win these and other armies:

 NOCF Charity raffle information (Go get some tickets):

The beneficiaries of this effort - Doctors Without Borders (DWB) - www.doctorswithoutborders.org  
You DO NOT have to be present at the NOVA Open to win, they will ship the armies to anywhere in the world in sturdy, custom-cut, KR Multicases! 
There are other armies/collections in the works for 40K, Halifax, and Flames of War. Tickets purchased for each of these other armies benefit a variety of other charities including Fischer House, and the Wounded Warrior Project.

NOCF blog  - novacf.blogspot.com
NOCF website  - novaopenfoundation.org

Models and supplies for the armies being painted are provided by the sponsors below:
Atlantis Games & Comics (USA) - http://www.atlantis-comics.com
KR Multicase (UK) - http://www.krmulticase.com
Element Games (UK) - http://elementgames.co.uk
Secret Weapon Miniatures (USA)- http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com

 Next post: Display pics of Beakies! Comment in the comments, drop me a few votes on CMON and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain ;)