No not that sort of Alchy, the brewers are for someone else to paint. I mean the Alchemists.

Guild Ball - Alchemists Artwork

I started this team back around May/June but then they fell by the wayside but finally this week I started to pick them up again and actually make some serious progress which resulted in it then snowballing into a ready team!

Alchemists - As imagined by me!

As ever with Guild Ball metals there was relatively little clean up required but a load of joints to pin. As they have such efforts to add dynamic poses it results in a lot of limbs needing attached and quite small contact points, but still big enough to pin in all instances.

From there I decided I wanted to move away from the artwork colours of dark green and white but settled on the classic combo of purple and cream (well a bit darker than cream really). These colours are tried and tested and look really good together, so colour theory and all.  Thrown in my usual mix of skin tones, funky steampunk goggles, brasswork metals and that's my paintjob.  Ohh plus the flame effect on Mercury and blue faerie fire on Midas's hand too.  Basically these guys have a load of stuff that is fun to paint on them.

Alchemists stats - They do stuff!

Playstyle I'd said from as soon as I saw the rules I thought that this would be the team for me, they've a captain who is a really good goal scorer but also is more than capable of putting out a beating and has the amazing skill to steal someone else's skill which can be really helpful in tailoring what your team does in any given game. 

The rest of the team consists of a silly robot thing that can explode and also can pulse out damage if people have conditions on them, which is pretty decent damage for a mascot and given the rest of the team is pretty good about putting down conditions it's not exactly hard to end up in the position to get it going.  Similarly Katalyst has the same ability and also buffs up his attacks versus people with conditions so starts to build up a real theme here and then you have Mercury and Calculus who, guess what, are pretty decent at putting conditions onto people.  Finally you've Vitriol who is a striker come all rounder with a stat line which is up there with the best in the game, though does lack some of the trickery that some of the other strikers can bring to the table and lacks the all important momentous tackle on 1 hit that many have.

All in all I've tended to see them as a fast goal scoring team with some nice abilities to disrupt peoples plans using their ranged AoE effects.  Once you look into the list of Union players who can take the field for them it's pretty obvious you'll be dropping at least one of those players to put Hemlocke on the pitch and then Mist, Snakeskin and Decimate all bring a lot of speed and useful abilities to this team.

I can see my regular line up being:
  • Midas - Captain fantastic himself a top goal scorer
  • Flask - Because I still don't know what their season 2 mascot is and his smoke cloud helps out Vitriol
  • Vitriol - Because she's all round awesome and a good scorer
  • Hemlocke - Because she's even more awesome, seriously she's bent good.
  • Mist - because 3 out and out strikers is better than 2 and some people think he's broken too and finally
  • Calculus - Because Blind is good and having it twice per turn is even better but equally there is an argument for Decimate or snakeskin here too. I would put mercury down too as his playbook is really quite hitty but he lacks momentum generation on it and only provides 1 inf unless hanging out close to Flask which he usually can be, but it's annoying when he runs off to do some hitting and your inf pool drops the next turn.

Tactics are - score, score score. Win!  When you don't have the ball you're looking to gimp the ball carrier with blind, heavy burden and then use any of your fast guys with easy tackles to strip the ball to set it all up again. As a fall back between Midas, Calculus, Vitriol and Flask you can put out a surprising amount of damage with relative easy and with Hemlocke and Mist you can generate momentum whenever you need too.

So there we have it, my alchemists are done and ready to play. Now, lets play ball!