McMourning (Malifaux) - "Are you ready for your review?"
The end of Q3 is upon us and it’s time to refresh our hobby resolutions.  First off a look back to what was set at the start of the year:
Hobby resolutions 2015
  • Finish epic Eldar 3000pts list – Done Q1
  • Base Brets – Done Q1
  • Paint 50pts Relic Knights – Done Q1
  • Paint all Malifaux figs – Q3
  • Assemble guild ball teams, paint 1 team – Q2
  • Finish WoC (3 chariots, 4 skullcrushers, disclord and hell cannon) - Cancelled
  • Finish empire (10 Demis, mounted wizbang) – Cancelled
Pathfinder (Malifaux)
As a quick overview:
Epic – The army got finished in January, since then I’ve not really gone back to it but have a load of stuff that would be good to add.
WFB – Again at the front end of the year I was happily cracking on with my HE and Bret (basing mainly) projects which was providing me a high volume of figs. 
Orc Shaman - only WFB model I've painted in the last 6m
Relic Knights – I think I got my 50pts force finished by April where I played my one (and only) game of it.
Guild Ball – Arrived in May and everything else went on hold as I cracked through that, the butchers were the first team I painted and nicely ticked off the goal as I built all the teams pretty much immediately. So from May onwards I’ve been somewhat ‘off track’ in painting up more Guild Ball but it makes sense to stick with what I’m enjoying doing. 
Alchemists (Guild Ball)

Malifaux – The other thing I started doing from June/July time was to begin clearing my way through the backlog I’d built up of Malifaux figures to tick off the final goal.  Painting these has been really good fun, lots of different looks & feels to them so nothing too turgid and as a result it’s kept my motivation surging along.
Hoffman & Friends (Malifaux)
I realise with the Malifaux success I’ve somewhat cheated, I have a couple more figs buried somewhere in the form of Avatar Levi & Sonnia plus I’ve got some Ltd Edition stuff stashed away in boxes – Dead Justice and a dayglow Kirai crew I won at Gertfaux.  But none of these are really models that I can use for the game so my mind is discounting them for purpose of the challenge.
Molly (Malifaux)
Ltd Edition Death Marshall (Malifaux) - the 'last' o/s figure
So overall I’ve had a lot of successes but that said this year has been an odd one due to the removal of WFB as a game and AoS coming in to replace it.  Once WFB 8thwas clearly on its way out I just downed tools to see what was coming (and I’m really glad I did!).  It was a bit frustrating to have poured a load of time into getting the Brets nicely based up only for it to be largely invalidated, I’m tempted still to do the ‘cut off the bottom of the base’ trick to remount them on rounds but I’ve not been that bothered seeing as I’ve still not played a game of AoS and have been busy rebasing my TK anyway.
But back to the resolutions summary, points to note: they’re all done and we’re not in Q4 yet… Ok ‘done’ is subjective but cancelled projects are not going to happen now I suspect.  So to replace those I’ll end up with some new goals. Options I’m considering:
  1. Finish painting all Guildball models – My original goal was one team, as it turns out I’ve loved the models, the game and basically it’s been a great project.  To that end I’ve only got 3 models left to paint and I’ll have done all the Guildball figs I own, so I’m committing to doing them. Not a huge target I accept but I’ve done something like 28 Guildball models so far (plus built 2 teams I then sold).
  2. Rebase the TK – As I mentioned above I’ve started doing this but have loads left to do (in old money was over 7,000pts of TK)
  3. I’m still swithering on others projects, I’m tempted to use my Bones models to turn out a Frostgrave warband which would be a nice 8-10 models I reckon. And I could also do a bunch of monsters for ‘random encounters’ with it too to carry on working through the bones stuff which would be good.
  4. Darklands stuff should land sometime this year I suspect, but depending on exactly when I might just put it as an assemble project because of uncertainty as when it’s coming.
  5. I’ve been toying with getting out some of my Warmachine models again too, they’re a pretty hefty project I’ve mostly put off due to not actually playing the game at the moment.
  6. Similarly I’ve got the rest of my Doctorine Relic Knights force I could get to painting, there can’t be too many models in that 10-15 I’d have thought, so that would be a reasonably nice contained project.
  7. Epic – I really want to paint up some more Epic stuff to expand the Eldar army and I’ve also got Orks and ‘Nids in boxes I could start working up too.  I’m kinda holding off on these as I found them really good for getting my motivation back when I lost my urge to paint last year as the scale allows me to not overly worry about the quality and just get an effect I like done up.

Peasant (Reaper Bones) - the start of Frostgrave

So plenty still to be getting on with and there are countless other projects in boxes I could consider too.  I previously had really wanted to own all 16 WFB armies painted up to a usable army sized force.  I still think it would be great to have this in my cupboard and to that end I’ve not done anything with the CD, DE, Empire, WoC or other armies I’ve got sat in boxes in a cupboard.  I’m going to hold off and see where motivation takes me before deciding on them.  Particularly as KoW seems to be gaining popularity at the club so having a ranked army for that would still be a good idea, ok I’ve already got 9 painted ones on square bases but none custom built for that game should I choose to get into it.
I don’t think I’m going to formally commit to any more projects for the final quarter of the year and just let inspiration take me where it likes.