Happy New Year! 

Rivet Wars - Cute and painted on a whim this year!

Well ok it’s a little bit early but late December is all about looking back and then looking forward.  Being a hobby oriented blog then you can probably guess what’s coming… Resolutions!

2015 Resolutions

Hobby resolutions 2015 Q3 Update:

  • Finish epic Eldar 3000pts list – Done Q1
  • Base Brets – Done Q1
  • Paint 50pts Relic Knights – Done Q1
  • Assemble guild ball teams, paint 1 team – Done Q2
  • Paint all Malifaux figs – done Q3
The discontinued goals:

Due to WFB blowing up in the middle of the year I rage quit a couple of projects

  • Finish WoC (3 chariots, 4 skullcrushers, disclord and hell cannon)
  • Finish empire (10 Demis, mounted wizbang)
Their replacements done in Q4:

  • Rebase TK – Done. 30+ MoComp scrolls worth of stuff so far but I'd like to get a lot more of the army onto rounds for AoS to open up options.
  • Guild Ball – Done. Smashed my way through all 4 teams from S1 which I’d kept and only bought Compound from S2 so far.  Imagine I’ll be getting Vennin, Hoist and Tenderiser plus all the Captains & Mascots for teams I have.

Guildball - Alchemists

  • Paint a Darklands force – Mostly done and only held back due to an Element Games screw up on stock.  I’ve one more model I’m waiting for to be able to complete a 2000 gold army.  Admittedly it’s only 13ish models due to being all large monstrous infantry and monsters but was awesome fun to paint.

Darklands - Kthones
Paint up a Frostgrave warband – done the 10 models required for it out of my Reaper Bones collection.

In total I’ve ended up at 219 models painted across the year painting on all systems. I might try and get through the last monster for my Darklands force just so I can call it done. He's most of the way there now but a little bit left to do.

Darklands - Kadamaster 6" long crocodile!

So generally successful year though falling a ways short of the one model per day target I’ve aimed for in the past, though I very intentionally didn’t aim for that this year. As I’ve been running these logs for a while this will be the first time in 5 years where I’ve fallen behind on a running total.  Total days in the last 5 years: 1,826, total models painted: 1,777.

Ok so 2015 has been a success though my volume of production is down (not necessarily a bad thing as it means I’ve been painting to a higher standard).

2016 Resolutions

So what do I forsee as being my gaming for the next year?  First off a quick look back shows I’ve only played guildball and one game of AoS since May.  Looks like I’ve moved away from my traditional gaming grounds but find myself working on a far more diverse range of games despite not actually playing them.

I’m totally cool with this to be honest.  Variety of models is something that really keeps me motivated and working, if I was just churning armies I imagine I’d be burnt out far sooner.  This second half of 2015 where I was doing a whole variety of stuff has been fantastic.

That said there are a few ‘bigger’ projects on my list for 2016:

·         Horus Heresy – I bought the Calth box so have 38 models to paint from that, I’ll be doing them as Alpha legion and probably adding a bunch more stuff on top.

30k - Alpha Legion

·         Saga – I bought a Scots warband as a pretty cheap deal mid last year, the models aren’t spectacular but look decent enough that I’m wanting to get them all painted up.

·         Darklands – I backed the KS for both Albainn and Erainn and then subsequently ordered a bunch of other parts for my Kthones.  As these turn up through the year I want to get them all painted up.

Mierce - Albainn Giant

·         Old School Dwarf rebasing & painting project.  I’ve got an army’s worth of 3rdEd Warhammer dwarfs mostly painted but a few gaps in the army but all of these are on squares.  I’m going to transfer them all over to round bases for AoS and paint up a few more of the lovely old models that I’ve had sat for ages.

Oldschool dwarfs - Rebasing

·         Epic – Think I want to paint up some Orks, I did an Eldar army last year but still want a few more additions for it but think I need a second army just cos.

·         Guild Ball – Paint the S2 models I deem worthy of purchase.  At present this is Tenderiser, Venin & Hoist, plus all new captains & Mascots for my teams.  So 11 models in total.

·         Rivet Wars – This is an odd little one that actually I can blame my son for.  The box was sat in my cupboard and when he sneaked off and got into my study one day (usually kept closed) he picked out the Rivet Wars box and carried it through to the lounge and got out some toy soldiers to play with.  Now rivet wars is actually just about the perfect thing for him to have picked out as it’s as close to army men as you’ll find.  But then because it was out a friend questioned why I hadn’t painted it, ‘because it’s a board game’ was my answer but then he planted that seed so I did a model just cos and was really good fun and pretty quick to do.  So now I’m tempted to paint the lot!

Rivet Wars - Allies

·         Frostgrave Random Encounters – Again going to continue to utilise my Reaper bones stuff for this, it’s basically an excuse to paint a few different models when I fancy a change.

Beyond this there will no doubt be whatever whims take my fancy along the way but with all that I reckon I’ve the best part of 200 models to paint without even touching the epic stuff which I need to look though and pick out a force.  Which is basically a year’s worth of painting.
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