This session was originally recorded 04.24.16.

April 24th, 6:18pm

From the Journal of Josephine Maxwell
January 26th, 1876

In the morning a stagecoach arrived in town.  Several people came from it to greet Ms. Holmes.  They went to the Yellow Rose for breakfast.  I caught their names - Christopher Harlan, Augustus Pikarion and Lady Coriander Barrister.

The mineral company had a meeting in the conference room later with the tribal governments.  They say that the tribal gov. says that they have mineral rights to the area.  They say they are going to view Smokefall as an incorporated township.

Ms. Holmes left her breakfast to go to the meeting.  She said, "Mr. Bloch, your services are no longer needed," and gave him a dossier.  This infuriated them, but sent the energy company away back to Washington.  The Federal Government said the area was "already spoken for".

Three more wagons come into town, two covered and a flat wagon.  Twenty men came asking for me.  Seamus Tolliver said they were there to finish the telegraph office.

Jakey Wales and Ms. Holmes announce that they will be married.

That night the Doc and Jakey Wales awoke us all to say they saw a triangle in the sky with lights on the corners.  They said it went north.

Jakey Wales wants us all to ride out to find the stones he thinks he sees.  We went east.  Jakey used Tohtra-Ohtra to take us there.  There was a group of people following us.

There is the cavern where the Ancient One went into the stone.  A big golden owl flew down and sat on the stone, then flew to the ground and turned into a puff of smoke.  It was the shaman from the fire - Mongwau the Protector.

He asked why we had come.  He says he will meet with Ms. Holmes before the next moon "in between".

That night Lady Barrister and her group invited us to dinner.  The wine was very good and was particularly fancy.