Welcome one and all for brew review. I'm going to lie and say I have been a lazy ass when this week. The weather here in Ottawa is so hot that any drink I open is drunk and gone before I even take a picture. Currently I have two fans blowing me in a lame attempt to stay cool enough to write this update. I guess that's the problem of being an Englishman aboard I can't handle weather that doesn't involve rain.

But now to today's beer. The beer itself is called MacFanny Baw by Against the Grain Brewery. What made it standout for me was the label. It features a scotsman riding a barrel down a river past a brewery. It really brought a smile to my face so I knew I had to buy it. Once home I was happy to find out that it was a barrel aged smoked beer. So let us get into the details.


Name: MacFanny Baw
Style: Barrel aged Rauchbier
Brewery: Against the Grain (website)
Country: Kentucky USA
Price: $21 CAD 22oz bottle
ABV: 8.5%

Commercial Fluff:
"Literally, Son of Vagina Testicle, why? It's kinda funny. 
Truly a groundbreaking beer, this Barrel aged Rauchbier was an attempt to replicate the flavors present in Islay Scotch Whiskey.  We used Munich malt as a base and added copious amounts of Beechwood and Peat smoked malt, which provides the intense smoky and earthy peat flavors found in Scotch.  Then the addition of Alderwood smoked salt lends a crisp brininess that is reminiscent of the sea air in the Islay region of Scotland.  Aged in used Angel's Envy Bourbon Barrels to give an intense caramel, vanilla and whiskey flavor."
Own Opinion

Sight: Pours a nice amber colour with a solid head of yellowish tint.
Aroma: Toasty malts jump out first with caramel and peat closely following it's a great aroma.
Taste: Quite a sweet beer, with toffee and caramel flavours leading the charge, but soon the smoke come into play leaving a dry bitter finish to the beer.
Would I buy it again? Yes. Overall a pleasant beer. Not a every night type beer mind, but a great example of the style that when in the mood for would not disappoint. I highly recommend it as a sharing beer as I would struggle to finish on my own. From packaging to the actual drink itself this beer did not disappoint and left a smile on my face.

full artwork in all it's glory
So is it a beer you've had before? How can I get more of this brewery in the Ottawa region any advice would be warmly welcomed. As always drop me a comment or a +1 if you enjoyed. Cheers!