As is usual at one of Alex's events, Double Trouble featured a number of painting competitions. The quality of the entrants was as high as normal, with some fantastic models that the poor lighting and my photography skills will not give justice.
First up, we have the entrants for best army. I entered my force in this simply to show off my old GorkaMorka fort, repurposed for 40k terrain, but with no illusions of actually getting any votes. The Dark Angels cowering at the back were the first 40k models that I ever painted. They were brought along as part of Luke's challenge to field your first models at Double Trouble.

The winner was Steven Horne and his amazing Raven Guard army. I actually got to play against the army in my second game of the tournament and it looked brilliant on the tabletop.

Next up, the best conversion category. There were only two entrants in this set; a marine army with some great 3D printed elements and NafNaf's phenomenal circus-themed Dark Eldar army (that I was also fortunate to play against). I think everyone knew who the winner was going to be here and NafNaf won in a landslide.

The single miniature entry had some amazing work on display, with the win going to Rob Hill's 30k Mechanicus tank.

Hope you enjoyed the photos.