Hobby Update 08/01/17- Deathwatch Veterans and Bikers

Over the Christmas period, I managed to get a good deal of my Deathwatch army painted up. I'm really surprised with how much progress I am making on the army in such a short time. I tend to go through periods like this, where I do a lot of painting at once, then go...

Fluffageddon 2016: Tournament Review

Fluffageddon Tournament ReviewAs this was the first Fluffageddon, I thought I would give my opinion on how I thought the event went and what could be improved for next time. This post was ready ages ago, but I haven't got round to posting it yet. I contacted Matt to...

Birthday Bash 2.0 Tournament- Deathwatch Initial List Thoughts

Over the holidays, I began to think about what list I may want to take to Dave's upcoming Birthday Bash 2.0. This is a 40k tournament in February, so I decided to take my Deathwatch Marines. They are one of my newest armies, so this tournament gives me the perfect...

Hobby Goals for 2017

Welcome to 2017! I hope everyone had a good break over the holiday period. With the New Year beginning, I thought I would take a look at what I hope to achieve in my hobbying for the coming months. 1. Deathwatch ArmyI have really been enjoying painting up my...

Happy New Year!

A Happy New Year from St Andrews Wargaming!What are your hobby plans for 2017?