Hobby Update 31/12/16- Deathwatch Rhino and Deathwatch Veterans

This week, I have been working on some more Deathwatch Veterans armed with Bolters and my Deathwatch Rhino. The Rhino was really easy to paint up, I actually managed to get it all done in one day. Doing edge highlighting on a vehicle with lots of straight lines...

2016- A Year in Review

With 2016 drawing to a close, I thought that I would take a look at what has occurred in the last year, both in terms of my gaming/hobbying and for the blog itself. ArmiesThis has been quite a productive year for me in terms of my different armies for 40k. I have...

Battle Report 91- 1500 pts White Scars vs Orks

This week's battle report sees my White Scars take on Tony's Orks. When I arranged to play Tony, I was originally going to take my Guard for a classic Ork/Guard match up. However, I discovered that I don't have my Codex with me in Newcastle, it must be packed away in...

Hobby Update 27/12/16- Deathwatch Drop Pod and Veteran Kit Bash

This week, I have been working on my Deathwatch Drop Pod and assembling some more Deathwatch Veterans. For the Drop Pod, I decided to go for a simple colour scheme, mostly just black and metal like the one pictured in the codex. I had a couple of problems...

Merry Christmas

A Merry Christmas from St Andrews Wargaming! I hope that Santa was good to all of you, bringing you lots of 40k goodies. Did you get any good gaming gifts this year? If so, comment below and let the rest of us know what to be envious of.