I recently attended a 24 hour gaming charity event, run by Nick from The Burning Eye, called Hero for a Day.
The event was due to feature 8 games of 40k over a 24 hour period. The event was a lot of fun and raised a lot of money for a great cause.
After seven games of 40k, the Defender's team (the team I was on) was so far ahead that the final game would have no influence on the result. Rather than play the same people again, we decided to do a free for all and I ended up playing against Rob (30Kplus40K) and his Blood Angels.
Unfortunately, after being up for almost 45 hours at this point, I was starting to get a bit grumpy and tired. We set up and started the game, but only got to about turn 2 before I finally gave in. As a result, I never got the full battle report to write here, but I did take a bunch of photos of the game. I thought I would share the photos here for those that were interested.
I'm hoping that with my recent move to Newcastle, I can arrange to meet up with Rob once more (possibly at Warhammer World) to get a proper game against him at some point. Till then, I hope you enjoy the photos.