
With the recent interest in KT, I picked up this mini from Prodos Games to lead an Inquisitorial Kill Team. Equipped with a bolter and storm shield (which curiously, Inquisitors don't have access to, just their flunkies), this is a really kickass looking mini! Most strangely...it was cast as a single piece of resin.  Yes, seriously.

This is exactly how it looked right out of the box: 

This is from a game called Space Crusades (that last 's' is apparently all that's needed to stave off a copyright lawsuit from GW).

No assembly, washing or anything required. Look at those undercuts...what the hell? Makes ya want to ask: Okay Forgeworld, why in the hell can't you make stuff like this?' Sure they make minis that look just as good, but not flawless single piece casts!