I got pulled into a 30k Whatsapp group at the start of 2016 with a bunch of mates.  I'd originally held off when Calth dropped but knew it was purely a matter of time once I found myself browsing the FW site at work one day and had over £800 of stuff in my basket after about 30 mins of browsing!
Fortunately I managed to dial it back a little and I restricted myself to an initial 2000pts.  The group arranged a couple of meet ups through the year but unfortunately I couldn't make any of the earlier ones and the game size has been growing over the year and 13th November we're off to Warhammer World for a day of gaming with some 750pts games of ZM and then a couple of doubles games with 2,000pts each player (so 4,000/side).
The army is painted to a fairly basic standard but with what I think is a fairly good overall visual effect. I do need to go back and add more decals and put in a few more details (eye lenses need worked up).
You can see from the pictures as well I've got 2 different sets of basing going.  The 750pts Zone Mortalis force has been put on interior bases where the main army is on outdoor sandy bases (which I think gives a fantastic contrast to the blue/green).
The new thing I've done with this army that I'd never tried before was the weathering on the tanks (and marines but the tanks is where it's really at).  This was mostly just pigments dusted on over the paintjob but a bit of paint stippled on to dirty it all up too.
I've also got the 30k bug fairly badly, I've now picked up the prospero box (and a second set of the marines & terminators) to be the basis of my next legion project.  I don't overly like MK3 armour so not quite sure why I've done this but I do think they fit certain legions quite well, so probably points me in the direction of certain legions and paintschemes.