I've steadily been continuing to write content for Frontline Gaming, as well as my own blog posts here. I thought I would take the time to highlight some of my recent articles that may be of interest to the blog readers that you may have missed. 

Humourous Army Reviews
I have continued to write up some spoof, tongue in cheek reviews for certain army builds in 40k. These have recently included:

The Lost Art of the Written Army List
This was an editorial based on a recurring trend when I go to tournaments these days. It was sparked after attending the recent Fluffageddon tournament, where not a single one of my three opponents had a paper copy of their army list for me. Instead, I was given a phone with a Battlescribe file to take a quick look before the game started. These are some of my thoughts on the etiquette of tournament lists.

In addition to these, I have a whole host of Space Marine and Dark Angels unit and formation reviews on the site for your perusal. Hope you enjoy!