This week, I have been continuing my work on the Deathwatch Marines. I have completed another squad of Marines, this time armed with an Infernus Heavy Bolter and the Sergeant with a Xenophase Blade. 

The Infernus is a nice weapon, essentially an assault Heavy Bolter and Heavy Flamer in one. It can also be armed with Hellfire Shells to give it even more chance to wound. The Xenophase Blade is also pretty good, a power weapon that forces your opponent to re-roll successful invulnerable saves. This would be handy for taking on Power armoured units with Storm Shields or Necron Wraiths. At 25 points, it is pretty expensive on a Sergeant model, but could be useful on a Watch Captain.

I also managed to get the Frag Cannon Deathwatch Marines painted this week. The Frag Cannon is an incredibly powerful weapon for the Deathwatch and has always performed well in my games. 

This week, I also assembled a Drop Pod that I got from ebay. This is the third Drop Pod I have bought, but the first that I have ever assembled as the others were already built when bought. I have to say, it was a bit of a pain to glue and assemble the top section of the pod, as it kept shifting when I tried to glue on the additional "arms" to hold it up.

I also made a start on painting up the Deathwatch Bikers. I kept the riders separate from the Bikes to make it easier to paint them. After going over the bikes, I think this was the right choice.

I have already picked up my ticket for Dave's Birthday Bash. I am hoping to take the Deathwatch to the event, so am quite pleased with the progress of them.