Hobby Sunday comes a day early this week, as I assume most people will be too busy tomorrow to be reading blog posts!

This week, I have been finishing up the Deathwatch Bikers. For the first time, I painted the Riders and Bikers separately. I figured this would make it easier to get the details painted up individually. This did indeed make things much easier to get painted. 

The edge highlighting was much easier on the bikes with all the straight edges on the model. 

The Bikers were also painted up reasonably quickly. The Bikers carry power weapons. The squad can be armed with a Power weapon for only 5 pts each, which is a real bargain on a model with 2 attacks base. 

Taking my time over painting the Deathwatch army has certainly been a great experience. I feel that it is one of the best armies I have painted up and I am still managing to get them done quite quickly. 

I quite like the larger base that the Bikers now come on. It makes adding the static grass and flock to the base much easier and you can actually see the effect better on the larger base, the previous bases obscuring some of the basing.

Next up for the army, I am working on a Drop Pod for the force.