
Now in my defense, I purchased these via ebay and only a few years ago...as opposed to say, Neverness buying them when they were originally made (decades ago!) and who is only now getting around to painting them.

But I digress...

Anyways first up, the last Corsair in my squad of five. This was an old standard bearer mini, though I didn't realize this as at the time of purchase since the banner pole was long gone. It did however, still have the odd nubbin to which the banner pole would have been attached, but on its own that bit looked kinda dumb. So I clipped it off and rounded it down to where the back looks instead more like the typical, oddly hunched-backed guardian armor (why the hell are they like that anyways?).I think the end result came out well and this mini fills out the squad nicely. Now I just need to finish up the their Venom...

I have another Corsair for this squad on the way. When he arrives the one with the power sword above will be rebased to serve as an Autarch to go with the Storm Guardians from last week because, I don't have enough Autarch options already...

I also painted a second 'regular grunt' Dire Avenger for my Iyanden contingent. Again this is another old, metal mini that was a dirt cheap purchase on ebay (it was in yet another lot of 14 minis for $14). The squad as you can see is up to three painted Avengers, with the female model serving as the squad's exarch, and their even more colorful compatriot serving as the army's Autarch.

As an aside, you may have noticed that these two, newly painted minis are much shinier than the others. Looks to me like Testors got their labels mixed up again, and I got a can of semi-gloss varnish labeled as lusterless flat. Whilst rare, this isn't the first time that this has happened to me (grumble, grumble...). So I'll have to either get another can of clear coat or I can just re-clear coat my previously painted Eldar minis to match. Considering that they're Eldar,  well that would probably be the more appropriate option (and is cheaper in the short term).