It's been a long time. Seems like I've been painting Dark Angels forever, but in reality it's only been 4 months.  I finished the UFO's and now to the next project. 

I bought this Trukk used back many moons for just $16, and it's been sitting forever. Not only because of the DA but I didn't know what to do.  Well it hit me a couple days ago what to do - Rat Rod!!

Google it if you don't know what that is :)

I started by tearing it apart, luckily it was put together with superglue not plastic glue.  It didn't take long to figure out the suspension.  Mostly it just takes cutting off the leaf springs from the frame and inverting the axles. I also realized the cab is designed to have the driver on either side, so for something different I went right-hand drive.

I really LOVE how it came out, absolute perfect representation of a Rat Rod.  It will painted just like the UFO's, very rusty - true to the namesake.

Off to the paintbooth!