Going with a suggestion by prolific gold paint user Mordian7th, I picked up a bottle of Vallejo’s Glorious Gold and the verdict is in: 

Its perfect!

Come on, sing it! They're gonna be Royals...
lol! Sorry, but I couldn't resist!

 Its both opaque and easy to work with! Many, many thanks to you good sir! As y'all can see, this little Bulldog tank was my Guinea Pig for the new paint. Now in the colors of Battletech’s Lyran Alliance Royal Guards, this mini is the first of that contingent. True, for one of, if not 'the' best equipped of the LCAF’s forces, the humble Bulldog hardly qualifies as 'the best’ in any category, but…there are only so many Demolisher II tanks to go around…

Having taken a 4th day off this past weekend, I got a fair bit o’ painting in on our little ‘staycation’. In addition to the Royal Bulldog, another was painted to match my budding Free Worlds League contingent. 

At some point I need to add something 'dangerous' to this little band of mediocrity.

I also got some painting in for both Rogue Stars and my Rainbow Warriors, though none of those are quite finished yet. So I'll save them for later.