Dunno why…well I do actually.

Primaris Marines, the prototype sketch...

The whole ZOMG!!!! GIRLYMAN IS BACK AND THE ULTRAMARINES ARE SAVING THE IMPERIUM SINGLE FUCKING HANDEDLY WITH THEIR NEW PRIMARIS MARINES THAT EVERY OTHER CHAPTER IS GLADLY ACCEPTING BECAUSE THEY’VE ALL BEEN BLED DRY (but not the Smurfs, because they’re the best, as usual…), etc.. Yeah thanks Matt Ward, you can stop writing now. The 12 year olds you’re butchering 40k’s decades long backstory to appeal to don’t have the attention span to read beyond the first page or so.

lol, 'regular' marines, Angry Marines...I guess its all the same now.

And then there’s the new models, which Deathguard aside is all primaris marines, all the time! The basic grunts look fine, but all of the other Primaris models range from ‘meh’ to just flat awful in my opinion. A Tau Ion cannon mounted on an overweight dreadnought? What’s not to like about that? Plenty actually…

The fact that the ‘regular’ (aka: obsolete) marines have been so quickly shoved aside by GW in their ravenous attempts to get everyone to BUY MOAR!! Just makes it all the more disheartening. 

Sexy Daemons are not kid-friendly, but have you met my little pikachu-what? That's already copyrighted?!? Fuck. Guess we'll just stick with calling 'em nurglings...

Then there’s the new Deathguard and their dopey looking poxwalkers. Bleh, are they all corrupted Primaris marines, or is everything getting bigger-Guardsmen included? Don’t get too happy with ‘true-scale spess mareenz just yet folks…wait till something Xenos or IG gets released first. Also, while GW felt that Nurgle apparently needed more cowbell, I am not a fan of the new plaguemarine design aesthetic either. They’re more ridiculous than the ‘dancing’ Khorne Berserker poses!

But, but the Orks! What about Da Orks? I hear you ask…

'af our minis iz 20 years old! Ork can't
even count dat high...
Yes, I enjoyed my one game of 8th ed and its benefits to my Orks, and I believe that they’re really big winners in the new ruleset, but…personally there’s no want to paint more boyz. Even painting the one with ROKKIT PISTOLS!!! felt something like a chore before I was finished with it. Will I finally build my fighta bomma as I had initially considered doing after that first game?Don’t hold your breath. Hell, I haven’t even picked up at my Xenos 2 book since that game, other than to put it on the shelf afterwards. 

No, not really relevant, but it made me laugh!

Nor I have looked into making a Fem Fa’Tau army list (no I’m not using the new ‘spelling’ of Tau, fuck GW’s craven need for copyrights on everything!). I don’t think my Beloved Wolfy would be interested in one even if I had. Kill Team (and possibly Shadow War) aside, I think she’s more or less done with 40k.

Wait! We're called WHAT?!? now???

Then their are the Eldar, another faction which was ‘renamed’ for copyright-ability at the expense of decades of existing branding. I’ve not even looked into their rules, even though they’re easily my largest 40k army at this point. 

I think I’ll keep plugging away at my 30k Salamanders and Outremar for now. Rogue Stars and Battletech when variety is needed and as for 40k? I have no clue what its future holds for me at this point…