Horses! Horses of all things! 

In hindsight (pun intended), I should have taken a pic from the other side...

Now I’ve seen everything on the 40k table top! Well okay, I know Rough Riders aren’t a new concept. They’ve been around forever it seems, but this was the first encounter I’ve had with Rough Riders since-what? The hideous pseudo-Mongols of 3rd edition??? So blindsided by these minis was I, that I had to do a post about them!

The Kroot were there before being trampled under hoof.

This was in a game of Kill Team with Courtland, a ‘new guy’ (new to us, as arriving with a fully painted Death Korps of Krieg army hardly puts him into the ‘new’ category) who recently moved to the area. I was totally unprepared for this troop type. This surprise was only compounded by the fact that we’re still using 7th ed rules, meaning my Kroot KT will eternally suffer from being a uselessly redundant shooting unit of pitiful quality, especially when it comes to close combat (they are cool minis though). Needless to say, the cavalry literally ran roughshod thru my ranks, killing many Kroot in exchange for only one cavalryman, and a handful of his foot sloggers.

Ever fond of their technological edge, the Fem Fa'Tau were checking on lines of sight via a cell phone when this pic was inadvertently taken. Its a rarity when accidental photos come out well! No idea what she was aiming at though...

The DKK won the game handily though Bob’s Deathwatch was a close second. My Beloved Wolfy’s Fem Fa’Tau and my Kroot however were left in the dust in terms of VPs. It was a fun game though and he’s welcome new addition to our gaming group!