Abaddon, made from a Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor.  Read more below.
Did you notice the light behind his head?  And the glow on his Lightning Claw?

Here he is in progress, the battery pack and switch are below him.  The wires run through his right leg and into the torso, connect to one light and then out his shoulder and up his right arm to the claw. 

I think the sword is from a bloodletter.

And with the lights on.

It's amazing in a dark space.

I enjoyed making the screaming faces on the sword.  The topknot comes from a Space Wolf.

I like how the eye came out.  Can you see the switch?

The combi-bolter was fun to graft onto the claw.  It started as two chaos bolters.  The battery pack was recessed into the 40mm base, and the rock outcrop from the Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor kit was placed on top.

All in all it was a fun build.  Let me know what you think.