…very, very little feet!

A little ways back Ral Partha Europe had a ‘flash’ (read that as: impulse buy) sale. I’m a sucker for such things and made a purchase in the form of a blister of Davion Infantry and some Heavy Hover APCs to haul ‘em around in. 

This photo is straight from the Iron Wind Metals site (same minis, different distributor) as photographing microscopic unpainted minis seems kinda like a pointless exercise to me. I already had 5 plastic hex bases to glue them onto, but given the total number of minis (84 on 3-man strips) I may need some more bases. Especially as it looks like I can fit 8-10 individuals on each hex base. 

The non-faded out one on the left...

As for the APCs, whilst they like the infantry really weren’t any cheaper than just buying them from Iron Wind here in the USA (the price was comparable due to the sale), Iron Wind packs the heavy APCs at 2 to a blister (though after a look around their store, they may not be selling them currently), Ral Partha on the other hand puts 3 to a blister. So it was a free tank in exchange for almost a month-long wait. Well worth it as playing CBT isn’t a high priority anyways.

As for fielding these tiny little guys, infantry platoons come in wonderous variety! Ranging from OMFG they can do WHAT?!?-all the way to the other end of the spectrum of-these are so useless, it makes you wonder why the fuck they even bothered? Also, given the varying transport weights to coincide with the variety already mentioned, the three APCs will be able to carry anywhere from a company to a full battalion!

Visually however, they’ll all look the same because at that minuscule size, you’d get eyestrain trying to differentiate one type from the other rather than just use a generic mini like these.