Rather than try and tape off and reprime parts of my dread, I decided to just start base coating it instead. True, this might make the green a tinge darker than it is on the infantry due to the black primer, but as there are so few vehicles in my army to begin with I’m okay with that. Beyond picking out the Vallejo heavy green areas, everything else got a thorough dry brushing of GW's Iron Breaker.
I haven't done any work to the base yet. |
One thing you’ll probably note is the twin-heavy bolter arm is missing. I wasn’t really keen on using it and perused eBay to find some other options. I found a right-side dreadnought CCW arm and thought the idea of having the ‘gun’ and ‘CCW’ arms reversed from the norm to be rather novel. Thus I opted for that along with an underslung meltagun (both of which ought to be arriving this coming Saturday).
I do wonder just how much of the metal work will be painted gold before all is said and done... |
In hindsight, having the main gun simply be a twin-linked missile launcher backed up by a master-crafted meltagun (when using the Covenant of Fire RoW) and a dreadnought CCW is if anything, even more mediocre than the original twin-heavy bolter and missile launcher combination. Oh well. I’ll just run with it. Besides, it can’t be any worse than the Furioso-type dreads that Blood Angel players field, right?
As for the missing twin-heavy bolter, if you want it then you can find it here.