...but only long enough to rant about it again.

Okay I'll admit it up front: I like 'em! Most of them are really nice looking models that I want to paint though like all miniature lines, some just look like crap. Their fluff however is...in a word: awful. But I've ranted about that before, so why do so again right? Right. Let's bitch about some matched play point values instead.

But first off, the cause of this rant: my Alpha Legion Lieutenant.

Note the Rainbow warrior helms decorating the base...

Admittedly it was fun if somewhat laborious to paint, using my old tried and tested 30k color scheme. So, despite my apathy towards 8th, what to do with him if I were to try 8th again? Not sure, but some mild research has generated some confusion in me, so here we go...

I guess he could be considered a Chaos exalted champion, but honestly why bother? In matched play...he could be a full blown Chaos lord for four measly points more. What do those 4 points grant you? 1+ better to shoot, +1 better armor save, +2 wounds, +1 to his Ld, and a 4++ save. Seriously, all of that for 4 freakin' points?!? Are they even trying? Why wouldn't you take him as a lord over a champion except for purely fluffy reasons (which have no place in matched play because it is for the competitive sort...).

Moving on, lord or champion stats ignored, he's my only HA (Heretic Astartes as an acronym shouldn't be an expression of amusement), let's try it again: my only CSM which makes him my warlord by default. That means he gets a relic for the points of the weapon it replaces, otherwise known as for FREE! Because that seems fair. Yep, chainsword-turned-relic = free. Dumb, but whatever. The Alpha Legion relic (which conveniently and unbeknownst to me prior to painting is a chainsword) is the Blade of the Hydra which has +1S, -2AP, Damage: 2, and D3 extra attacks. Cool.

But, but Chaos doesn't have Primaris marines you say? Don't they? Well why not, they have a Loyalist Space Marine relic so why not Primaris marines? Lemme splain...

Yeah, that Blade of the Hydra...its the same fucking thing as the Space Marine relic called the Teeth of fucking Terra!!! Seriously, same stats! Sure that may qualify as literal matched play, but that's not game design...that's just plain fucking lazy!

Crap its late, time for bed so for the time being, on the shelf this guy shall remain!