Before we can start on our terrain, let’s start by defining some parameters. 
-This piece will be able to be placed 3” from a table edge and forces deploy in it up to the standard deployment zone of 12”
-This terrain will be a ruined building with a base that clearly defines when a model is in or out of cover.
-This terrain will allow one Predator sized vehicle to gain the benefits of cover.
-This terrain will allow for the stable placement of 40mm base on the lowest level and 32mm bases on any upper levels.
-This terrain will provide LOS blocking for a typical Primaris Marines standing on either side.
-This terrain will allow all models with it to have LOS out of the terrain.  (No solid walls)
-As a result all models within the terrain will be able to be targeted by units outside of the terrain.
-Some obscuration of individual model’s LOS is allowed and expected when drawing through the opposite edge of the terrain.
-The terrain will include a raised floor to represent the rubble from the missing building elements.
-The terrain will allow no less than 10 models with 32mm bases to be placed in coherency on the lower levels and no less than 5 models with 32mm bases in coherency on upper levels.

Ok, Now that we’ve defined, or perhaps over defined what we want from the terrain, let’s start by grabbing some models and positioning them so we can have an idea of how big the base should be.

I have a standard 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of paper and my models set up, I’ve grabbed some foamboard strips to approximate walls, and I have a block I might use as a rubble base.
I like what I'm seeing, and I think this will work.  Now let's look at some actual ruined buildings for some inspiration.

OK, before we start constructing our ruined building, we should consider what it housed before it was ruined.  In this case, I think that rather than one of the sprawling factories, this building once housed manufactorum administration offices.  It would have had steps leading up, to remind any workers that those who worked here were above them and solid walls and floors to support the mountains of production reports and employee disciplinary records that the manufactorums generated.  But as part of the manufactorum, it would not be overly embellished like an adminstratum building might be. 

Great!  Now I've taken the liberty of cutting a 12" by 9" base out of a piece of .25" thick plywood that I had lying around.  I'm going to cut a 1" foam base just a bit smaller and glue it to the surface of the board.  This will be the foundation of the building.

You can see from the paint and edges that I'm reusing this foam from an old terrain project. Recycling is good!  The foam base and the lower part of the walls I plan to use will obstruct line of sight for infantry on either side of the building.

Talking about the walls, I'm using a mix of 3d printed and resin castings for my walls.  I'll put the file up on the site in case you want to print your own.

We've made some progress, but let's take a break for now.  Next time we'll start putting up some walls