Before we finish up our building, I wanted to post up a few pictures that show some less than perfect ruins and explain why they sometimes cause problems in games.

Here we see a standard Games Workshop Cities of Death Building.  It is made quite sturdy, the gothic windows offer limited visibility and the blank panels often surprise players by denying shots from models on the various levels.  The biggest issue is of course on the bottom level.  When is a model in the ruins?

Here's another one where the blank panels block LOS and that has no defined boundary at the base.

There are a few pieces like this one, 2" foam with bits on top.  These can be quite tricky to place models, but it is clear who is or isn't in the ruins.

I don't want to bash the FLGS where these photos were taken, just explain some of the reasons behind the ruined building design.   They provide a tremendous amount of playing space and most of the staff is quite friendly.

Next Post: Adding damage to our ruined building.