Green Tide is a popular way to play Orks under 8th edition, and I can't disagree with the effectiveness.  Now there are a lot of pros and cons to the list.

First, let's start with what I've been playing:

Battalion Detachment 1
HQ: Warboss, Attack Squig, Headwoppa's Killchoppa
HQ: Wierdboy
HQ: Boss Snikrot

Troop: 30 slugga boyz, nob w/pk
Troop: 30 slugga boyz, nob w/pk
Troop: 30 slugga boyz, nob w/pk

Elite: Painboy

Battalion Detachment 1
HQ: Big Mek, KFF
HQ: Big Mek, KFF
HQ: Wierdboy

Troop: 30 Shoota boyz, 3x rokkit, nob w/pk

Troop: 30 Shoota boyz, 3x rokkit, nob w/pk
Troop: 10 grots

Elite: Painboy
Elite: 15 Kommandoz, 2x burna, Nob /pk

Elite: Nob w/waggh! banner

Heavy: 2 KMK
Heavy: 3 lobba

1999pts, 123 PL, 9 command points
The plan seems obvious.  Boys sit under the KFF/Painboy and then move forward with the option of jumping to back up the kommandos.  Killing that many models is a problem for most, but not all armies.

So far my toughest matchup was Mortarian, which in CC can pretty much guarantee 17-18 dead boys a turn (18 attacks, hitting and wounding on 2+, both with re-roll 1s) plus auto mortal wounds and debuffs.

The question of taking out big models.  Sure, 100+ attacks sounds good but when wounding on 6's there is a limit.  The KMK seems the best way so I might change out the lobbas for more of them.  Or drop the rokkets in the boys mobs and lobbas for a unit of tankbustas hiding in the mob. But that kind of tweaking is also a matter of personal preference.

The biggest problem with this list is the number of drops. Almost always guaranteed to go second, which in 8th is a problem.  The 2nd biggest problem only applies to ITC, where the list seems to actively try to give up points to my opponent with 7 units of 10+ models and 9 characters!

I would also like to add another unit of kommandos for mob up purposes, a unit of 25 with a snikrot buff and jumping the banner (maybe a 2nd banner?) for a lot of goodness.

Anyway, what tweaks to be made?