In the Emperor's immortal name, I dub thee: The Doom of Neverness!

Whew! This beastie was a lot more work than I thought it'd be! For those of you that don't recall (which is to say most everyone as I've been milking this for quite some time), I painted this for Kushial in exchange for a lance of Battletech Manticore tanks.

The starting point.

The um...base coat? lol, they're all pink on the inside...

A new and much improved base, acquired via ebay.

Ready for battle!

Yeah, I don't even want to know what this thing does....

This can't be much better, plus there are several smaller weapons on the front of the torso as well!

Another close up of the spiritless soul stones being crushed underfoot. Also it seems the grav flux bombard has scorched the purity seal which fluttered a bit too close!

As you can see, its come a long way from when I first came into possession of it, but I'm hoping he likes it. As a bonus, I added two little deployment badges Lion decals to his Contemptor which has served as the 'painting guide' for the leviathan.

In addition to the decals, this got a few minor touch ups as well. 

The new nightmares-in-arms posing side-by-side.

I'll pass this back to Kushial this coming Saturday, meaning all he needs now is to find the 8th ed rules for this monstrosity, as well to hope for some sort of celestial alignment to take place in order for he and Neverness to convene in the same location for this to make it's battlefield debut!