
Its been kinda quiet on the hobby front here of late, further compounded by a 2-day mild migraine which wiped out any thoughts of painting minis. I did however do a bit of inventorying/organizing of my Battletech forces at least.

Death by a thousand paper cuts...

First up I did managed to at least glue three more infantry platoons to their respective bases, making for yet another frustrating painting session in extreme miniature at some future date. I also opted to glue the 6 medium lasers bitz onto my Hunchback. Whilst the versatility of that miniature's design is quite like an Omnimech in the fluff, the weapon attachments constantly jiggle around due to their loose fits. Paint would never hold under that kind of abuse...and beside, the all-laser variant is what I put into my lists 9 times out of 10 anyways. 

As for the aforementioned organization, rather than run 3-4 separate companies with more or less fixed army lists, I lumped most everything into my Free Worlds League's Marik Militia. This gives me a combined-arms battalion consisting of a mech company, a tank demi-company, and an infantry company mounted in heavy hover APCs.

Grey = Unpainted.

The Lyran Alliance's Dixie CTM is more of a place holder than anything. The mechs and tanks in that bunch aren't available to the Marik Militia, barring the Goblins. However those were only used in small numbers during the Star League era and early succession wars.  But back to my earlier point, the unit isn't set, as just about all of the rest of the Inner Sphere's realm's could use these mechs and tanks. 

Of course, until painted any mini's allegiance is in flux...but for right now that's what these models need more than anything else: paint.

So...now that everything is all rounded out, its time to get painting I suppose.