
Yes, yes, I know I'm late!!

(The above image is from here.)

Wow. Two weeks? Hell, I didn't even take that long off when I got married! As far as I recall (too lazy to bother looking it up), that's the longest break in posts that this blog has ever had. So. What have I been up to?

Well, to be honest...not hobbying. 

The first missed post was due to the scouring of teh interwebz in search of a reasonably priced getaway for my Beloved Wolfy and I's 2nd anniversary. For some odd reason, I assumed that posting the comparative Kayak.com results for virtually every destination in a 3-hour driving range wasn't blog worthy, go figure. 

Following that frantic last minute search, we made a decision and then enjoyed a few glorious days in the nearby Kentucky Mountains! 

We highly recommend the place and will likely go back!

It was such a clear day, that if you look closely, you can see the distant Smoky Mountains from this vantage point up at the Pinnacle overlook at the Cumberland Gap National Park.

Following that (and I mean immediately...as in just a few hours after we arrived home: NURGLE ATTACK!!!!

Yes I felt as badly as those poor Guardsmen are about to...

Luckily (I guess?), due to Nurlge's frequent predations, we were loaded to the hilt with medications, both over the counter and prescription and I counter attacked with a vengeance! In the end, the battle came at the cost of 1.5 days of 'vacation' time (we don't have sick days where I work) and about 72 hours or so of sheer misery. 

Now, when I only occasionally cough (merciful that that is...) my entire torso still literally aches (its closer to agony if I'm honest) from the recent memory of the coughing nightmare earlier in the week.

During that bit of hell, the only vague sort of hobbying I managed was to watch a 2.5ish hour long, 8th ed bat-rep on youtube at Neverness' recommendation. Watching two friends play a game, even one I don't like is easily entertaining. Ya know, playing peanut gallery and all, but watching to guys on youtube? Not so much. At least the Ork player was kinda Orky (Ork players know what I mean), whereas the Marine player spoke in the same monotone voice though out.


I'm still not impressed with 8th ed's rules/game play either, though I do really like the Primaris minis, well the basic ones anyways. The Intercessors (even though their name sucks), Hellblasters and the Lieutenants. As such I figure I'll give it a go for the only applicable force I have, the Rainbow Warriors. 

Lieutenant Budderbarz has already arrived, and I only need another five Primaris marines with no upgrades (starter box minis basically) to make a 500 point army which is enough to fuck around with 8th ed for awhile, so that's doable. I've already written up and am tweaking my fluff for the Primaris...uh...transition for the Rainbow Warriors. 

Now hopefully I'll get back to posting regularly once more.