
After slathering my Wreck-Age technical in half a bottle of Agrax Earthshade ink, I did the only sensible thing a gamer could do whilst waiting for the ink to dry: I started on another project. That being my Beloved Wolfy's Commander Shadow Sun, the leader of her Fem Fa' Tau army. 

Pink trimmed guns are especially good at killing space marines!

I've been wanting to paint this mini for awhile anyways, and got the base colors on at least. I did have a little fun with Neverness, texting him that I was painting Ultramarines. He thought I'd (quote) gone mad, until he realised I was just referring to the Smurf debris that litters Shadow Sun's base. 

Perhaps I should add a Primaris helmet too...

I hope to have the technical finished for my next post, after which this mini is next in line.