
I got in a goodly bit of brush time this week, and opted to spend it on my Medusa/Vindicator. Sure, sure, some Ork units probably deserve paint more than this after last weekend's game, but oh well. They'll just have to wait.

The starting point from this tank's last appearance on here.

In 30k, Blackshields have access to Pariah armor and weaponry, so why not vehicles too? In this particular case, It'll serve as a Medusa (on a rhino hull), with the same stats/point cost as the original. The only difference will be the omission of the hull mounted heavy bolter. Call it the cost of proxying.

The basic (and as usual, sloppy as hell) color base coats and dry brushing. 

In 40k, this will serve as a Vindicator with my Chaos renegades (yes, said renegades are in fact my Blackshields from 30k). Given that I only have one opponent with which to play 30k, I figure making the army cross-compatible with 40k is a good idea. In the latter case, they'll be recently-minted renegades, and thus bereft of the usually over-abundant spikes and mutations on every surface of...well, everything..

Edges all cleaned up and ready for decals!

The decals are a mix of those from Fall out Hobby's Evil Machine Cult and the Betrayal of Calth's Word Bearers. The two work fairly well together I think, and give it a fairly unique appearance. After applying the decals I finished up the sensor pod, the right 'eye' of which I drilled out to serve as the pintle mounted combi-bolter.

Following that I got to the fun part and dirtied it up. Nothing too heavy though as I didn't want to obscure all of the runes. Also, unusually for me, this tank is bereft of battle damage or scarring, not even any rust. I suppose I got ahead of myself as I usually add that before the dirtying up part. Oh well, I guess it's a new build.

Ta dah!

The cannon's operating instructions no doubt....

...and the loading instructions, lol.

Quite intimidating from this angle!

I wanted to use the lens in the mouth as the gun, but from the side, there's nothing behind it really, meaning there was nothing to resemble a weapon's housing.

In studying after action pict captures, Imperial observers from both millenia have found these runes and symbols to be mystifying.

Anyways, I'm quite pleased with the end results.