
Yup, my XVIIIth legion 30k army just got it's first primaris marine! So...like the Blackshields, my Salamanders will be pulling double duty as well. Hell, also like the Blackshields, they're more likely to see action in a game of 40k than they are in 30k anyways...

This mini needed a few changes before painting though. I got my primaris marines 2nd hand off of ebay, and this one in particular had a terrible pose. He looked like he'd been shot in the back and was taking his last few stumbling steps before falling dead. So I swapped out his right arm as well as his helm for that of a 30k Mk IV marine, which is almost identical aside from being adorned with what my Beloved Wolfy calls 'the toilet brush on top'! The pose is still a bit awkward, but it works.

That however was the easy part, whereas painting this was a bit of struggle. Apparently you can only re-thin GW's paints just so many times till the paint says: fuck you pal, I'm done! Such was the case with my Chaos Black, Bleached Bone and Ironbreaker paints (not like they're essential). I managed to slog thru it though only to find that I was down to the last dregs of my Army Painter Strong tone wash as well. 

Overall I'm happy with this guy and will next paint a Rainbow Warrior Primaris Sgt. once I restock my paints. The other five primarises (Primarisi? whatever) will just remain primed and switching their allegiances on a per game basis until I can bolster their numbers up to ten and officially split the squad in two.