Or rather, damned near all of it?

Highly recommended.

I recently Started reading This is How by one of my favorite authors - Augusten Burroughs. With this book purchase ($4 at the local used book store, except we had a credit so it was more like free!) I'm pretty sure I have all of his books now. Maybe. I may have to peruse the shelves to be sure.

As self help books go this is anything but the typical sort, especially when in the 1st chapter he remarked that affirmations are total bullshit. I myself have never purchased a self help book previously (and when considering this book, I debatably still haven't). Anyways whilst reading the chapter 'How to be thin' at lunch today (or rather yesterday as you read this), Augusten was hammering on the obsessive need to be thin-or rather whatever need/want that you think you really must have. The word thin itself in this case is really just a euphemism for a desirable but unattainable type/state of happiness.

Being the geek that I am, gaming naturally came to mind (and my frequent obsessing over it in one way or another), along with my endless want to buy MOAR! (well done on the marketing GW/et al.). Considering the vast collection of minis that I have, I had to ask myself which minis really make me feel happy? Not just regular ol' gamer happy (hell, any ol' mini/hobby purchase can achieve that), I mean the warm fuzzy-like a carefree little kid playing with his toys kinda happy. Very quickly the answer sprung to mind: my Grymn.

Yup, just that one army. 

Immediately thereafter another thought sprung to mind: So what if (barring a few sentimental favorites like the Grot Mega Tank) I just sold everything else? And I mean everything, bits, terrain, cases...the whole nine yards. Leaving me with just my 500-ish points of Grymn.

Well...I'd still have my favorite army which is both 40k/30k compatible. It would still take forever for me to get it all painted. Along with the Grymn, maybe I could buy some more Quar-the one and only sold off army I truly miss. True, my old Beastmen IG army rears its (literally) ugly head once in awhile when it comes to regretful ebay sales, but in all honesty the Quar are the only ones I dearly miss.

So...this is where I am at the moment I guess. Even with 2 miniature kickstarters awaiting completion, I'm pondering a potential mini gaming semi-extinction-level event of a sort.