Some more work on this dude.. I played around here and there trying to figure other colors out but blended the metallics which I'm pretty happy with right now. The knee guards came out solid..
 I also blended out the shoulders and back spine piece thing .. it looks cool but who would really put that back there haha .. The one part I'm still figuring out is the back piece of the gun. I didn't want it to just be a fully brass/gold gun so I painted it to patch his armor and that looked terrible. So I went with bone.. terrible. I started to go purple but didn't feel like that was going to do it either so I'm going to go with more of a heat fatigue on it and I think that should be cool. Like the energy chamber is supa hot.
 The purples are almost completely done as well so there is only the piece on the gun.. a small punch on his belt and some cording on the spine thing. And the base needs to be wrapped up but either way he'll be done this week. Now I'll need to get his squad all built up. My Son's Birthday party is this weekend so more hecticness has already been added to the week.
I'm pretty happy with this guy and makes me want to get his squad done so I can get a Kill Team game in though I have no idea when that will actually happen haha..  'shrugs'

On another note... it's almost October or should I say DreadTober!!! This year I wasn't going to do it because of the amount of work it requires to put in but Joel from Mordian is going to assist in putting it together. Sorry for the late notice.. I'll be putting together more info today and will make a specific DreadTober post as well as bringing the DT Blog back online .. Get those dreads ready!