And it was, in a word: mediocre.

We decided to postpone the start of the league this week as our organizer was unavailable, instead opting for a 4-player carnage/free-for-all. Rather than even read or actually follow that scenario, we just went for kill points, of which we only sorta kept track. 

The following are just some photo highlights of the game:

Here they are, spreading out from my initial deployment. All of my shooting was ineffective, which would become a theme throughout the game.

Two of my adversaries: to the left is Screech in his 'not an Ultramarine fanboi' attire, and Noah who was fielding the store army Smurfs. In front are Screech's Cadians, who are practising their WHFB-esque formation maneuvers...

Chyanne and Jim were playing peanut gallery, Bob's Dark Angels are in the foreground.

Noah's cowardly smurfs (a collective accusation). You see that Sgt. in front? Yeah, that's as far forward as they would move all game! He attempted to persuade us he was using 'cover' to hide his intentions, even going so far as to compare his tactics to be akin to the Raptors fluff but we weren't buying it. Instead it seemed to everyone he was simply hiding in the corner. 

Pretty sure this guy killed a Cadian, but not sure exactly. I know one of my guys bounced a bolt round off of that Cadian Sgt.'s bald head!

Another Silver drake, engaging in an fruitless firefight with the
Dark Angels...

That was one hellova bike to hide behind! The bonus it conferred to my armor saved him at least twice! 

In an effort to avoid getting shot off of the table, Screech's Cadians bum-rushed the lone Primaris marine who had charged one of his minis the turn previously. The close combat FAIL in this corner would continue for several turns...

At this point, Bob suggested a gentlemen's agreement between us, with the intent to just kill Screech and Noah. I agreed and the foot race to get into range began in earnest!

Lagging far behind and still bitter about his demotion to gunner (and in all honesty, he really just qualifies as a regular grunt), this guy failed to kill anything all game!

Unable to beat the Cadian horde in close combat, the remaining Smurfs charge into the fray to continue with their totally ineffective assault. Speaking of close combat, we have a house rule that so long as your models aren't involved in a HTH combat, you are free to shoot into it. 

However apparently a force field of FAIL was erected around the close combat in back meaning I couldn't roll higher than a 2 to hit any of them! However Bob was unaffected, and Screech's Cadians started to thin out quickly.

This is where the game ended, with my guys bringing up the rear and firing a multitude of bolt rounds into the air (rather than their targets). 

In the end I think Bob won but whatever, we all had fun which is all that matters in a throw-away game. Additionally, I learned that I'm still doing a bunch of stuff wrong. Meaning I ought to read
the friggin rules again...