
My Silver Drakes have finally turned the corner! I figured out what it was, that was the cause of my abysmal die rolls: My Beloved Wolfy wasn't present to bless my dice with her mystical powers! I came to this realisation after she did just that this past Saturday evening, and my Silver Drakes went on to rack up two consecutive victories, huzzah! So pleased was I with how well my dice were rolling that I didn't think to take but a handful of photos. Oops. 

The coordinates said they'd be right around here...somewhere.

First up, my marines sought out their Adeptus Mechanicus allies commanded by my buddy Scott, to seek their guidance in combating the Tyranid menace. However that rendezvous fell apart when, upon first contact, a skitarii armed with an arquebus took out my AGL specialist with a brutal headshot (literally, the strategem used was called 'head shot'). 

Shoot that treacherous, uh...thing!

Enraged, my sergeant took out the verminous gunner with a head shot of his own, and demanded his traitorous counterpart's head on a pike! Engaging in an assassination mission, my Drakes avenged their fallen brother with extreme prejudice! 

Well...except the new guy. With one grunt resting at the convalescent home, my new and literally green recruit ran right up the center only to be taken out next by a rapid firing plasma gun. Ouch. Demotion ended the game though when he took out the Skitarii leader with his stalker pattern bolt rifle despite being both on the move, and his target being snuggled down in heavy cover!

'Twas a good game vs. a fun opponent I haven't played against in years. All marines made a full recovery, though one of Scott's 'nameless grunts' died of his injuries. 

Xenos scum! I'm coming for you!

Following that, Screech's Tyranids returned for another round, and with the dice rolling hot, my Drakes were eager for a rematch! Things started off well for me when the first Hormagaunt kill came via a scouting phase deployed trap (first time that phase has resulted in anything thing for me). He would lose another gaunt to a booby trap later in the game as well. 

His dead pile.

Everything went pretty much my way, other than my Sgt. falling in close combat with his lictor, and Demotion being taken out via a venom cannon round. That injury was sufficient to cause him to miss my next game. Whereas Screech had all but his lictor need to roll on the recovery chart at game's end. Several bugs were to report to the convalescent...uh...something. Don't they just digest the wounded and birth new replacements? Well, its something like that I guess...

Anyways, I'm now technically in the lead with all full resources however I'm so many games behind that I figure my team is a guerrilla force at best. Eh, so long as I have the game all the way figured out by league's end, then I can call that a 'win'.