I started by modifying the Evil Sunz list I had been playing mainly because it looks cool and the models were already in my case to take to game night ;)

First broken thing I had to try was Bad Moons Dakkajets.  And not just 1, or 2, but 3 in a flyer detachment. 

And I added a 2nd unit of Tankbustas.   I don't think I need the battlewagon but at the reduced cost why not?

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz

HQ: Zhadsnark
HQ: Big Mek on bike, KFF, big choppa

Troops: 30 shoota boys, 3x rokkit, nob w/BC
Troops: 12 slugga boys, nob w/BC
Troops: 12 slugga boyz, nob w/PK
Troops: 12 slugga boyz, nob w/PK

Elites: 10 tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs
Elites: 10 tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs

Heavy: battlewagon, deffrolla, 4x big shoota

Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota

Air wing detachment
Kulture: Bad Moonz
Dakkajet, 6x supashootas
Dakkajet, 6x supashootas
Dakkajet, 6x supashootas