In the upcoming year, expect to hear more from me as I talk about the hobby, share some battle reports and show off creations from my 3d printer.

I can hardly believe that it's been a year since my last post.  Since then I had promotions at work, lost the best dog ever after 18 years, survived a flood from a hurricane, started new armies, made new kill teams and I bought an airbrush.

One of my Christmas gifts this year was the bad guys from Blackstone Fortress.  I've played the game, and it was fun, but I didn't see our group ever needing two copies.  The Chaos forces can be used as a patrol detachment and come in at 17 PL and about 327 points.  They all don't have the Heretic Astartes keyword, or <legion> or even Black Legion, so you can't use the Renegade Guard in your normal Chaos Space Marine Battalion.  I expect I'm going to have a good time painting these guys.

Feel free to post in the comments.  Keep it classy.