Ya know, after gaming for so many years, you'd expect that even with an entirely new force, my opponent could still expect me to field a kill team that executes it's mission with skill and finesse right? Right...to that end, my strategy was as simple as it was elegant: Get 'em!

As you're about to see, my mastery of the hive mind is meagre. However I was playing vs. WaaarghPug's orks who employed a similar strategy which I'm pretty sure also equated to: WAAAAARGH!!!

Orks vs. Nids...yeah you know where this is going. No mission. No objectives (well, kill points), and to have as much fun as possible! Its been too long since seeing, much less playing vs. WaaarghPug (years really) and we were both looking forward to the coming slugfest.

lol, can you tell where my deployment zone was?

WaaarghPug's characterfuly converted Orks, all chanting 'We're all gonna die'
at the sight of the horde in front of them...

The AWESOME is strong wiv deez boyz!

Da boss, the only sensible Ork in da bunch, bellowing orders whilst safely in the rear.

Turn 1 and my horde advances! Had I realized ahead of time that flesh borers are assault weapons, they all would have made advance moves, but oh well, one lesson among many learned. 

Skittering forward on the flank...

...and up the middle.

A lucky fleshborer round felled Pug's rokkit toting boy, but the first turn was otherwise uneventful. Here on turn 2 I've flanked him (for what little that turned out to be worth).

In the excitement to get into hand-to-claw combat, we kinda forgot about the shooting phase. Oh well, I wasn't hitting anything anyways. We also forgot that Orks can shoot their pistols in close combat, but as it turned out, they didn't need the extra firepower anyways...

Turn 3 and the Orks, had weathered the initial charge. Both sides refusing to back down, the nids and Orks continue to get stuck in...

With my dice failing me on nearly all front, little gribblies start to die in droves whilst inflicting next to nothing in return. However as my Tyranid Warrior, ineffectively sprays the ruins with living ammo (he certainly wasn't hitting any Orks or grots) he telepathically wills them onward!

Just as my genestealer grabs an ork by the throat, it takes a stikkbomb to the head from behind! Befuddled and confused by the unexpected blow, it is summarily cut down by the ork in front of it.

The bodies are piling up amongst the dice that have betrayed them.

An Ork charged my warrior, and the two proceed to
flail ineffectually at one another...

With every model fighting in close combat, the Orks start to tire, dishing out flesh wounds instead of simply killing their foes!

In a last desperate gasp of effort, the little gribblies manage to take this one boy down before the game ends on turn five.

...and in the end it was Orks: 9, Nids: 2. Ouch.

 Oh well, it was fun and despite my abysmal rolling, my team wasn't broken due to  sheer numbers rather than any actual skill on my part. Better luck next time I suppose. Still, much fun was had which is all that really matters. 

Speaking of Kill Team, our league is 'done'. Everyone's tired of fielding the same force, game after game. I would say that at least I know the rules now, but as WaaarghPug proved on turn one of our game above, he has a better grasp of the rules from one read thru of the book than I do after the whole league, lol. Yeah well, rules were never my thing...