Viligus Defiant brought us specialist detachments including 4 for the Orks.  

The most exiting of these is the Kult of speed, which allows you to make Speed Freeks fearless if they advanced, and move twice their movement value.

The basic idea is to take a unit of Evil Sunz warbikes, move them 32" the firs turn, shoot without penalty, and then charge thanks to a Deffkilla Wartrike (which also picks up a 5++ relic).

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz
Kult of Speed Specialist Detachment (-1 CP)

HQ: DeffKilla Wartrike, Skargrim's Snazztrike, warlord: Quick, Ladz!
HQ: Big Mek on bike, KFF, big choppa (Index)

Troops: 30 shootas, 3 rokkets, Nob w/BC
Troops: 30 shootas, 3 rokkets, Nob w/BC
Troops: 30 Sluggas, Nob w/PK

Elite: Painboy on Bike

Fast: 12 Warbikes, Nob w/PK
Fast: 12 Warbikes, Nob w/PK

Heavy: 3 smasha gunz

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz

HQ: Wierdboy
HQ: Zhadsnark

Troops: 11 grots
Troops: 10 grots
Troops: 10 grots

2000pts, 101 PL, 13(-1) command points