
Even if you're nice to these ladies, they won't be nice to you!

During the Saturday's deluge of rain, we decided to just hunker down for the day, giving me plenty of hobbytime. All that I had planned anyhow was for our buddy Hoss to come over to play a game of battletech that evening (and more on that later). As such, I got the remaining daughters assembled, and started adding skulls to their bases. 

So how is it that Anvil Industries can have the ends of their infantry's gun barrels already molded as being 'drilled out', yet GW is incapable of that themselves? 

Overall I'm very happy with my minis, castings were flawless, and they fit together superbly! I highly recommend them to anyone interested once they become available for regular sale. 

No sets of arms were the same, giving them all a bit of individuality.

I'm thinking that they'll make good stand-ins for an admech kill team, as that was my original intent for using them as 30k admech-ish militia. So I'm asking: are there any admech players out there who think that that would work? 


As for Battletech, Hoss and I had a good ol' slugfest Saturday night and a battle report will be forthcoming...just not here. For good or ill, I've been wanting to move my Battletech posts over to a separate blog dedicated just to that game. Not sure why exactly, but the idea has been in the back of my head for quite some time and I finally took the plunge and set up another blog for just that purpose:

It won't be updated as frequently as this blog is, but I'm think of posting at least once a month to start off, perhaps more in the future if content allows. So give it a look if you would like (I just know that Neverness is dying to, lol!), and I ought to have that battle report posted around the 1st of the month.