
I hope all of you Americans out there are all still fat and happy (and not terribly bloated) after eating all of that food on Turkey day. I know I am!

The base itself is an excellent value, and that's not including the three freebee smaller bases. These-with shipping from Greece, clocked in at a mere $13.44!
Highly recommended!!

All is pretty quiet on the non-battletech front here of late. I did however order a new flyer base off of ebay that's both textured, as well as having a deep cut out for the flight stand to fit in. I've always thought that just having the flight stand glued to a flat base might be an easy break point, so this will hopefully alleviate that concern whenever it is that I get around to building my Dakka Jet kit. 

Don't hold your breath though, I bought it when it first came out back in...2012? And uh...yeah, its still in the box and on the sprue.