
It's subtle, but can you see the difference?

It seems I make army lists more than anything else these days. 40k, Battletech, Kill Team, etc., even Bolt Action (which I don't really even like), whatever my gaming obsession is on that particular day. Few, if any of these lists ever see the table top. But they're a good mental exercise at least, and they tend to fill up the little dead spaces in my day. Most are done with pen and paper, or else a word doc. with a PDF open in the background on my computer. 

More recently I've been mucking about in Battlescribe due to a lack of 'current' codexes. It's not the most user friendly program and even a bit nerd-rage inducing but hey, ya get what ya pay for right? Anyways, the past few days I've been making Silver Drakes lists which are mostly theoretical as I only have eight actual minis in my collection currently. 

Far more trouble than that was worth...

Still, I can make a legal if unfieldable (and I say that as at 260ish points...it isn't even worth the drive for a game) Silver Drakes Patrol force org., so long as I have a space marine to serve as an HQ (the no-force org Inquisitor doesn't count...apparently). As he's already on his original 40mm base, my thrice demoted Lt. has been restored back to his original rank, or...as he was called in my prior post: the superfluous Lt. 

Lt. WTF?!? won't arrive till Halloweenish (at best) so someone will be needed to (not?) lead the troops until then. Thusly I added a Lieutenant's helmet stripes and on that note: what the hell??? Whomever thought that little white stripes bordering a red one was a good idea is either a vastly better painter than I am, or an idiot! Most likely it's the former, but to assuage my bruised ego I'm going with the latter as it took what I feel is entirely too long to accomplish this minor little feat of painting. 

A close up, to more easily see any errors.

Hell, after this experience Lt. WTF?!? (who likely isn't even manufactured yet!) is suddenly in-line for a brevet promotion to captain just to avoid having to repeat this particular endeavor! Ugh. Whilst I'm aware that my painting skillz plateaued quite some time ago, these stupid little stripes are making me wonder if I've now begun the downhill slide into paint-challenged oblivion...