
Not much better than they were in my last post...

Curiously, I've not violated my vow to not paint any of my new Chaos Marine forces until the last three Silver Drakes are completed. Well, I did just a little, but the Drakes were slathered in ink and untouchable/paintable at the time. Regardless, real life interference has slowed progress to a crawl.

Video gaming (part of that 'real life' interference I just mentioned)
is easily impeded as well by a kitty on the keyboard. 

Just about ready for inking.

Base coats completed, I then went thru the usual stages of detailing, clear coating, decals, more clear coat, inking and base coating their bases...and now I'm on the cusp of finishing them. Well sorta.

With as much ink as I slather on, I can't help but wonder if the Army Painter 'dip method' would be better suited for me than this one...

All I have left is a bit of sprucing up (i.e.: dry brushing over some of the harsher spots of ink that pooled in one spot or another), followed by some dirtying up via yet more dry brushing before flocking, a final layer of clear coat and then calling them done!

If ya squint you can just barely make out that roman numeral IV
on this previously painted marine's pauldron.

A note on the decals...I couldn't find the decal sheet with the tiny roman numeral unit numbers. However given that they were both a pain in the ass to apply and more importantly, difficult if not impossible to read when the mini was finished,  I'll admit that I didn't look too hard for said sheet.