
Odds are it flies better without a crew...

I purchased this kit sometime around the tail end of 6th ed., and taking my own a page out of Neverness' playbook, I finally put it together this past Friday night because reasons.

Actually, after being shuttled around from shelf to shelf (still untouched) for a few years, it finally got buried (literally) under a pile of our collective junk when my Beloved Wolfy moved in with me six and half(ish) years ago. This likely saved it from ebay as it was too much effort to actually bother to get to.

Much like Sean Connery's efforts as a tail gunner in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: I'm sorry son, but they got us!

I was always annoyed that (1) most everyone built the kit as a Dakkajet because (2) the tail/turret grot gunners had to shoot the same target as the pilot which rendered either them useless, or more or less the aircraft as a whole useless if da grot did shoot (not that the big shootas could hurt the average Imperial flying brick anyways...), and (3) the old blitz bomma rules chart was more akin to a Kamikaze and an actual dive bomber. Yes I know it was Orky but all too often crashing into your target meant that it was a really expensive one-shot wonder.

Guess who got excited and glued the acrylic flight stand to the base before anything was even primed much less painted?

I was also turned off by the modular nature of the kit which could be built into three separates models making it somewhat generic in my opinion. This was a HUGE mistake on my part as I instead rather enjoyed that aspect whilst building da SturmovOrk. Instead of a hard-set list of instructions, it was more of a general set of guidelines allowing me to add what bitz I wanted. The end result is a Blitz-Bomma, but it also feels like a conversion without actually needing to kit-bash anything. 

Airkrew to da front of da line!

I plan to paint the krew first (out of the plane) followed by the cockpit and gunner's seat and adding the krew thereafter. once all of that is out of the way, I'll paint the rest of it. Not quite sure what color scheme I'll be going with, but I'm hoping it will be a fun diversion from the norm as I haven't had a flyer aircraft kit since 4th? or maybe 5th ed?