Hello one and all!

A quick WIP post for 5 further Primaris Intercessors for my growing Deathwatch force. These are from a range of Space Marine Chapters, including the Salamanders, so I've had the opportunity to work on my different skin tones, and a Black Shield.
These have had the same scheme as the other Primaris Marines, just with the different should pad Chapter colours. Details are left to pick out.

The Black Shield, the first 'lost Primaris' is a part of the Deathwatch lore I love. What is the background to the marine, which Chapter, what happened? etc. The background of course is unknown and will forever be a mystery...
...However there are some clues, the golden Bolt Rifle, could this be a fabled weapon 'Primarch's Wrath' gifted to the Primaris during the Indomitus Crusade? Could he perhaps be one of the first 'first born' marines to undergo the process to cross the Primaris Rubicon, and regret it? Maybe a Primaris Captain who sent 'first born' marines into the battle ahead of the Primaris marines to take the initial hit from the enemy? The stories are endless...
Thanks for stopping by! Cheers, Lord Halfpenny.