Being locked down here in California, I've been distracting myself with thinking about wargaming, modeling, and collecting.

I can't paint (my daughter is still young enough that she wants to fiddle with whatever Daddy's doing), but I can occasionally do some greenstuff, and modifications. The next few posts are just what I've been up to.

First up is my magnetization of my Khador Warjacks. I needed an opponent for my Menoth. Originally I'd have gone with Crucible, but those figures seem to be unavailable. Khador however, my next favorite has plenty on eBay, etc. So Khador it is!

Mk3 of Warmachine uses "Themes" heavily. I really like forces with lots of 'jacks, so the obvious choice in Khador is the Theme "Jaws of the Wolf", which is the 'jack heavy theme.

To that end, I bought the Khador battle box, which has Kozlov1, a good beginner caster, a Juggernaut, and a Decimator; two heavies which are easy to play.

Ever since I magnetized my Menoth Crusader YEARS ago, I thought it would be a good idea to magnetize these guys, so I bought a box of Khador Heavy Jack Kit, which comes with plenty of options. I also bought the Kodiak Kit because it looks amazing, and magnetized EVERYBODY. 


With this group of lads, I can make 2xJuggernauts, 2xDecimators, a Marauder, and/or a Destroyer. Add to that a Kodiak or a Grolar. So lots of choice! And a good setup for some Battlebox battles or even 15 pts.