
Congratulations: it's twins! 

Oh about 6 months or so ago GW offered up their cancelled cons-exclusive Primaris Lt. Amulius up for general distribution. I in fact rather liked the model but to order it from GW directly I found would clock in at approximately $50, summarily resulting in a rant post

Siph kindly offered to purchase the mini for myself and Neverness and ship it to us directly which in the end still clocked in at the princely sum of $35 a piece. That said, that's still a 30% discount over ordering it from GW because reasons. Thus we both are most grateful for your assistance in getting us these minis good sir!

Now, as you all know I can't leave any character mini well enough alone and decided to convert mine. He looks more a captain than Lt. what with that iron halo on his pack and all. So I thought I'd do an arm swap, removing the power sword arm for an inceptor arm to represent the relic Bellicos bolt rifle (R:24" A:4 S:5 AP: -1 D:2). 

However having never really inspected an Inceptor up close before, I didn't realize their armor was much beefier than standard Intercessors and apparently, Lieutenants.  So I had to carve out the sword hand from the Lt., and the hand with bolter from the aforementioned arm. 

I'm always a little wary when chopping up a limited release mini as it's not easily replaced (if at all possible) in the event that I do irreparable harm. However with TWO of said minis on my desk, I sensed an opportunity...

transcript of the Facebook IM conversation with Neverness as follows:

DMC: Fucked up that Lt. Oh well, Neverness can probably fix it. 

(Opens other package...)

N: huh?

DMC: Your LT. Don't worry, you can fix it. ;-)

(Immediately thereafter I get a phone call)

N: Are you trolling me?!?


Indeed I was and honestly how could I resist? 

It took awhile but the weapon transplant was successful. I tossed the stupid blast plate bit into the bitz pile though I kept the gun barrel's protective roll-bar incase there is a need to go all Ogryn and just start bashing bugs with the gun itself. 

I also removed the grenade and pouch on his backside armor plate (does it have an actual name? Ass armor?) and added a spare Assault Intercessor Sergeant chainsword (with the similar parts trimmed from it as well). Primaris captains can't have chainswords you say? Well too bad cause mine does! lol, lastly I removed the chaos helm from his base as the Silver Drakes are exclusively (at least in the fluff) fighting the Nids, and so replaced that with a few skulls. 

Thus I present to you Silver Drakes' Captain Horridus:

Far too imposing of a figure for a mere Lieutenant. 

A close up of his Bellicos bolt rifle.